During construction, Cricket Valley Energy Center (CVEC) created almost 1,100 construction jobs, and now has a team of 28 permanent, full-time staff managing facility operations, with salaries totaling approximately $3.4 million per year. In addition to delivering enough electricity to power one million homes, CVEC contributes significant revenue to the Dover Union Free School District, the Town, the county, and the State of New York.
CVEC plays an active role in the Dover community, participating in local organizations and events including Ducks Unlimited, “Read Across America,” the Center for Compassion, Boy and Girl Scouts, and the Rotary Club, among others.
Economic Benefits
The project’s annual tax payment is currently set at approximately $3.3 million and will escalate to approximately $7.9 million.
CVEC’s PILOT (payment in lieu of taxes) Agreement provides significant benefits to the local community. The tax payments will total $157 million over a 30-year period.
CVEC also provides funding for the following projects:
- Well and filtration system at Thomas J. Boyce Park
- New salt shed and pole barn for use by Dover Town Board
- Improvements to J.H. Ketcham Memorial Park
- Purchase of a mini-excavator, 10-wheel truck, and other requirements for use by the Town
- Annual $5,000 scholarship for graduates of Dover Union Free School District continuing over a 30-year term. The annual recipient may renew this scholarship for up to four years.
- Athletic field lighting and sound system at Dover High School
- Dover Educational Enrichment Program
- Board of Education Discretionary Fund