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Sustainable, reliable power for 1 million homes.

Cricket Valley Energy Center (CVEC) in Dover, New York, uses a highly efficient, environmentally-responsible process of converting cleaner-burning American natural gas into electricity, producing power for nearly 1 million homes—and economic benefits for the community.

As part of our ongoing commitment to transparency and community engagement, this website serves as a key resource in our public outreach efforts. Since the beginning of the project permitting process, the CVEC team has been dedicated to informing and involving the residents of Dover and surrounding neighbors.

Permitting Update

Operational for more than a decade, the CVEC combined-cycle facility has delivered energy into the New York power grid since April 2020.

Periodically, certain permits held by CVEC must be renewed, including a Title V Air Pollution Control Permit, which allows the safe and responsible operation of power facilities such as CVEC.

CVEC’s Title V Air Pollution Control Permit update is currently under review for renewal by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC). Learn more here.

Featured News

New Low-emissions Plant Will Power One Million More Homes In New York State

The approximately 1,100-megawatt (MW) combined-cycle plant in Dover, New York, uses advanced emissions-control technology to ensure it operates as one of the most efficient power-generation facilities in the U.S.

Read more news here.

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